Links are the defining feature of the web because they allow you to move from one web page to another — enabling the very idea of browsing or surfing.
Directory Structure
On larger websites it’s a good idea to organize your code by placing the pages for each different section of the site into a new folder. Folders on a website are sometimes referred to as directories.
- Structure The diagram on the right shows the directory structure for a fictional entertainment listings website called ExampleArts. The top-level folder is known as the root folder. (In this example, the root folder is called examplearts.) The root folder contains all of the other files and folders for a website.
- Relationships The relationship between files and folders on a website is described using the same terminology as a family tree.
- Homepages The main homepage of a site written in HTML (and the homepages of each section in a child folder) is called index.html. Web servers are usually set up to return the index.html file if no file name is specified.
Rela tive UR Ls
Relative URLs can be used when linking to pages within your own website. They provide a shorthand way of telling the browser where to find your files.
Email Links
mailto: email-links.html HTML To create a link that starts up the user’s email program and addresses an email to a specified email address, you use the element. However, this time the value of the href attribute starts with mailto: and is followed by the email address you want the email to be sent to.
In this chapter we are going to look at how to control where each element sits on a page and how to create attractive page layouts.
- Building Blocks CSS treats each HTML element as if it is in its own box. This box will either be a block-level box or an inline box.
- Containing Elements
If one block-level element sits inside another
block-level element then the outer box is
known as the containing or parent element.
Screen Sizes
Different visitors to your site will have different sized screens that show different amounts of information, so your design needs to be able to work on a range of different sized screens.
Layout Grids
Composition in any visual art (such as design, painting, or photography) is the placement or arrangement of visual elements — how they are organized on a page. Many designers use a grid structure to help them position items on a page, and the same is true for web designers.
Functions & methods & objects
Browsers require very detailed instructions about what
we want them to do. Therefore, complex scripts can run
to hundreds (even thousands) of lines. Programmers use
functions, methods, and objects to organize their code.
This chapter is divided into three sections that introduce.
6 Reasons for Pair Programming
Why pair program? While learning to code, developers likely study several programming languages. Similar to a foreign language class, there are four fundamental skills that help anyone learn a new language: Listening: hearing and interpreting the vocabulary Speaking: using the correct words to communicate an idea Reading: understanding what written language intends to convey Writing: producing from scratch a meaningful.
- Greater efficiency
- Engaged collaboration
- Learning from fellow students
- Social skills
- Job interview readiness
- Work environment readiness